
> 酒店介绍 > 位置


/ By Bus


Anyang 1st Street Shinhan Bank stop in front of the hotel building you will see.)

/ By Train


Get off at subway line 1 to the Anyang → 10 minutes walk from Anyang 1st Street


A. 首尔(南大岭),到达果川方向的时候

A. Seoul (if MinamiYasushimine), if from Gwacheon direction of coming

南大岭 → 果川 → 仁德院十字路口右转 → 安阳方向直行 → 璧山十字路口直行 → 邮局十字路口右转 → 2001购物中心十字路口右转 → 右侧的信韩银行右转 → KFC旁边右转—酒店停车场停车。

MinamiYasushimine → Gwacheon → Rende salon right turn at an intersection → Anyang direction straight → straight in scattering crossroads → Turn right at the post office intersection → 2001 straight at Outlet intersection → right of the Shinhan Bank across at right → turn right in front of the KFC → Parking in the hotel's garage

B. 路经首尔始兴的时候

B. When you come through Siheung in Seoul

金敬朱产业首尔方向—璧山十字路口左转 → 邮局十字路口右转—和上面一样的路

Hard water industrial road → turn right at the intersection scattering → turn right at the post office intersection → Same as above

始兴大路 → 石水洞丁字路口左转 → 布达十字路口直走 → 通过安阳市内 → 2001购物中心十字路口转盘 → 信韩银行右转 → KFC旁边右转—酒店停车场停车

To Siheung so → Sokusudong three-way intersection turn left → birch intersection straight → Anyang to pass through the city → 2001 straight at Outlet intersection in the U-turn → Hotel → Shinhan Bank across at right → turn right in front of the KFC Paking in the Paking lot

C. 到水源一王方向

C. Suwon king direction of coming

衿井方向 → 安阳市内方向直走 → 2001购物十字路口直走 → 右侧的信韩银行右转 → KFC旁边右转—酒店停车场停车-

Erii Station if → AnYo-nai direction straight → 2001 straight at Outlet intersection → right of the Shinhan Bank across at right → turn right in front of the KFC → Parking in the hotel's garage

金敬朱产业道首尔方向 → 左转 → 邮局十字路口右转 → 2001购物中心十字路口直走 → 右侧的信韩银行右转 → KFC旁边右转—酒店停车场停车

Hard water industry also Osouru direction → Turn left at scattering intersection → right of the Shinhan Bank across at right→ turn right in front of the KFC → in the hotel's garage Parking Garage

D . 城南,盆唐出发时

D. If from Seongnam Bundang region Coming

首尔外环高速公路直往一山方向,在坪村出口接京水产业道路 → 由京水产业道路直往首尔方向 → 于飞山十字路口左转 → 于邮局十字路口右转 → 穿过2001奥特莱斯十字路并直走 → 夹着右手边的新韩银行右转 → 肯德基前右转 → 在酒店停车场停车。

Are described in the middle basis village direction that you are traveling in Seoul Ring Expressway lisan direction → Turn left at scattering intersection → Turn right at the post office intersection → 2001 Outlet intersection in straight → right of the Shinhan Bank across at right → turn right in front of KFC → Parking in the hotel's garage

机场豪华客车使用 (使用时间)

1层7B处乘车 安阳站下车

배차시간 안내
8:00 00 25 50
9:00 15 40
10:00 5 30 55
11:00 20 45
12:00 10
13:00 10 35
14:00 00 25 50
15:00 15 40
16:00 5 30 50
17:00 10 30 50
18:00 10 35 55
19:00 15 40
20:00 5 45
21:00 25 50
22:00 15 40

/ Parking Information

  • 酒店停车场
  • 免费停车场
  • 收费停车场